Edmonton Minute: Downtown Live, Heat Waves, and an Overly Bureaucratic Deregulation
Edmonton Minute: Downtown Live, Heat Waves, and an Overly Bureaucratic Deregulation
Edmonton Minute - Your weekly one-minute summary of Edmonton politics
This Week In Edmonton:
This week the City Council and all committees are off for summer. The next committee meeting will be the Agenda Review Committee on July 27. We here at Common Sense Edmonton will use the break to catch up on mountains of City reports we've yet to get through, and some of our other projects like our interviews with council election candidates and our upcoming Budget Tracker.
The reopening of some City pools and the launch of 78 Green Shack children’s programs will be delayed as the City of Edmonton works to hire staff. The City began reopening last month, but 40 percent of laid-off leisure staff members did not return, causing the shortage.
- Finally, downtown will be a bit more lively with the Downtown Live program returning this week. The summer concert series presented by the Downtown Business Association will begin July 21, with the stated goal of bringing people back to the downtown core.
Last Week In Edmonton:
- In the midst of a heatwave, the City launched a pilot project in Edmonton which converted five fire hydrants into water stations to provide access to free potable water. This project is one of several options the City considered to increase potable water availability to the homeless.
- Huge ugly signs popped up around Edmonton parks in a bureaucracy-soaked attempt to provide some clarity to the alcohol consumption pilot project, which allows Edmontonians to consume alcohol at certain spots in certain parks. This could have been avoided if the City made its own pilot project easier to understand from the get-go. Leave it to Edmonton Council to generate more confusion and bureaucracy with a supposed deregulation.
- Edmonton suffered under hot temperatures and an air quality advisory, as smoke from BC wildfires rolled in. The City of Edmonton shut down some facilities and activities, while outdoor camps were moved indoors but didn't implement a fire ban, however, as local conditions are about average for this time of year.
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