Stop The Bike Lane Boondoggle

Sign the petition to Stop Edmonton Council's Bike Lane Boondoggle:

Who's Signing?

Darcy Doorten
Dana Cerveny
Susan Schultz
Marton Kiss
Marc Martin
Alexandria Bill
Chris Johnston
Kenneth Tomashiro
Leah Rahe
Julie MacKenzie
Briana Hryckowian
Colleen Rae
Carol Logan
Mark Ferrara
Raymond Kooyman
trystan a
Calvin Ozimko
Graham Moore
Janice Hatto
Tara Menzies
Jody Dosser
Lorinda Menzies
Rick Valdemarca
Ben Kennedy
G Douglas Oakley
Brian Dahl
Rob Stefaniuk
Ben W
David Nicoll
Ishmael Khan

Showing 50 comments

  • Darcy Doorten
    signed 2024-09-11 10:27:07 -0600
    I can remain silent no longer. This city council is systematically destroying our roads. My job requires me to travel all around the city of Edmonton. Every where I go I see perfectly good roads being reduced in size, being made so narrow that two vehicles can barely pass each other safely. People are losing the ability to park in front of their home because of sidewalks that are being built 3 to 4 times wider than they have to be. All the while the city continues to dive us deeper in debt and forcing higher taxes on us. This isn’t incompetence. This is a willful, designed strategy to make automobile travel in our city slow and frustrating to force us into walking and riding bikes which everyone knows is impossible for half of the year in our northern climate. This city council is corrupt and needs to be removed.
  • Dana Cerveny
    signed 2024-09-04 12:39:36 -0600
    They started putting bike lines up this summer and it is a total mess in my neighbourhood. I can’t believe the city is wasting city taxpayer money on this. I write this as 10 minutes ago I just tripped on a crack in the sidewalk.
  • Susan Schultz
    signed 2024-08-24 18:09:53 -0600
    Why are we spending any money on unnecessary ‘projects’. Stop raising taxes at every turn and start managing the city with tax money already in the bank. Population growth you say, that means more tax money in the coffre? Do Not raise property taxes again!!! Maybe too many management positions at the city??…Wait wasn’t there an audit a few years back about this?
  • Marton Kiss
    signed via 2024-08-22 08:24:12 -0600
    Sohi = Fail!!!
  • Marc Martin
    signed 2024-08-22 07:33:14 -0600
    As we face another tax increase in the double digits we can no longer fund this want of the “very few”. The Majority of citizens would prefer to afford to house and feed themselves rather then fund this experiment.
  • Alexandria Bill
    signed 2024-08-22 02:32:37 -0600
    This woke virtue signalling City council MUST be fired . Every single one of them because their mismanagement has made edmonton a third world country in itself . Edmonton stopped being the city of champions and there is nothing of worth left in this shitty and infact we are a joke. No one wants to ride a bike around a city built for driving unless they absolutely have to . My vehicle was stolen and impounded without notice for almost a month and being impoverished I couldn’t afford the $57 a day being charged and I even emailed Aaron paquette asking if he could possibly help. No response and now it makes sense he wants me to use the bike lanes when I have 3 small kids .. thanks deadmonton. I actually had to buy an e bike as a last resort and used the brand new bike lane that has been installed in front of my home and guess what? The city of Edmonton workers left nails and other construction debris laying in the lane and my tire was popped. I had to call my parents like I was 13 again so I could make it home with my groceries . Embarrassing ! Edmonton is a dumpster fire and there no longer is anything worth continuing live here for. Especially with this braindead city council and our once vibrant proud city has turned into a shit hole I think to think of as camp deadmonton and it’s a shame , you couldn’t pay me to ride transit with my kids not even worth it to take the lrt anywhere because the drug addicted freaks are to unpredictable and it’s safer just to stay home and try and scrape enough together to buy a car . Edmonton is a city that you can drive from once end to the other in roughly 30 minutes but taking transit for a trip that is 5 minutes away by driving is almost 2 hours by bus and services have been reduced . Clearly Edmonton hates their citizens and cars so if you have a disability that’s your problem and it’s reasonable to expect you to walk 3-4 blocks to catch a bus . Infact sohi boy is just getting started he also is proposing a increase to the fair up to $4.25 . He wants to put traffic lights on bike lanes….. When will the madness end?? I remember when Stephen mandell was mayor and he promised to end homelessness in 10 years which at this point I have never seen edmonton so bad as it is now and instead of actually putting the needs of all as a top priority the wants of a very small population is the only thing that seems to matter. It’s madness!
  • Chris Johnston
    signed 2024-08-17 17:18:57 -0600
  • Kenneth Tomashiro
    signed 2024-08-12 10:14:49 -0600
  • Leah Rahe
    signed 2024-08-01 10:34:56 -0600
  • Julie MacKenzie
    signed 2024-07-31 20:22:36 -0600
  • Briana Hryckowian
    signed 2024-07-24 21:05:05 -0600
  • Colleen Rae
    signed 2024-07-24 18:02:29 -0600
  • Carol Logan
    signed 2024-07-22 13:14:20 -0600
  • Mark Ferrara
    signed via 2024-07-19 12:23:26 -0600
  • Raymond Kooyman
    signed 2024-06-20 12:11:00 -0600
    132 Avenue Renewal is making it more dangerous by creating pinch points where 2 large trucks can not even pass each other plus all the blind corners that trucks need to jump the concrete corners in order to turn I have lived near this avenue for 25 years and bought there because I LIKED how easily I could drive and bike around LEAVE THE ROADS that have been good for 60 YEARS ALONE
  • trystan a
    signed 2024-06-20 11:26:15 -0600
  • Calvin Ozimko
    signed 2024-06-20 08:42:53 -0600
    The bikes lanes are for a small porion of the population who will still ride regardless of a lane or not. stop the lanes and save on our taxes. It is not a necessity.
  • Graham Moore
    signed via 2024-06-04 03:47:41 -0600
    Respect the Edmonton tax payer
  • Janice Hatto
    signed 2024-05-31 20:46:41 -0600
  • Tara Menzies
    signed 2024-05-31 20:44:31 -0600
  • Jody Dosser
    signed 2024-05-31 20:37:05 -0600
  • Lorinda Menzies
    signed 2024-05-31 20:32:23 -0600
  • Rick Valdemarca
    signed 2024-05-22 13:46:08 -0600
    Please stop this madness! I ride a bike, and see no place for bike lanes downtown.
  • Ben Kennedy
    signed 2024-05-21 10:25:53 -0600
  • G Douglas Oakley
    signed 2024-05-20 10:33:27 -0600
  • Brian Dahl
    signed 2024-05-15 08:33:59 -0600
    Why are we spending 100m on 1% of the population!
  • Rob Stefaniuk
    signed 2024-05-13 22:51:48 -0600
    WAY too much of our taxes are spent on frivolous and extremely expensive ideas which benefit very few people. Bike lanes are only one such example of colossal waste by this city council and admin.
  • Ben W
    signed 2024-05-07 14:51:57 -0600
  • David Nicoll
    signed 2024-04-12 18:22:41 -0600
    Edmonton city council are out of their minds. $100 MILLION DOLLARS on bike lanes is insane. Thank you to the few councillors that are thinking and voted against this stupid idea. Recall the mayor and councillors that voted for this stupidity.
  • Ishmael Khan
    signed 2024-03-25 09:05:02 -0600