Fixing Edmonton's Broken Fee System
Later today, Council will discuss a report on the business licensing fee waiver that was provided to some Edmonton businesses last year, and also debate how best to help businesses this year.
The report on last year's program was presented to Council's Executive Committee a couple of weeks ago, and with it coming to Council today, we spent some time during our long weekend analyzing it for you.
Let It Snow
Last Thursday, the City Auditor presented a new report to Council, this time about snow removal.
The media barely mentioned this report but, at Common Sense Edmonton we think you deserve better.
So, like the policy wonks that we are, we spent a good chunk of our long-weekend reading and analyzing a 70+ page report on the recent performance of the City's snow removal program.
City Spending Precariously High Says Auditor
One of our goals at Common Sense Edmonton is to raise awareness of what’s happening at City Hall. That’s why we want to let you know about an alarming new report recently released by the City Auditor.
The report, innocuously entitled “City Financial Condition Review”, examined various expenditures and debt ratios over the past 20 years and makes for some very concerning reading.
City Productivity and Performance Audit
Last month, the City Auditor released a report entitled "City Productivity and Performance Audit".
The report revealed some very concerning things about how our tax dollars are being handled.
Here are some highlights (lowlights?) from the report, that Council should keep in mind when considering next year's budget and tax rates.