Cancel The 6.6% Tax Hike

Sign the petition to cancel Edmonton's 6.6% tax hike:

Showing 869 comments

  • Bruce Konowalyk
    signed 2023-12-17 10:12:01 -0700
    I can’t believe these clowns were elected. Careless spending is the common theme there. Ridiculous tax hike, 100 million for bike lanes????
  • Roger Wild
    signed 2023-12-17 10:11:37 -0700
    Council need to reign in spending in the current high inflation environment. Not everyone works in the public sector with inflation linked pay increases and benefits.
  • Peter Rivers
    signed 2023-12-17 10:11:13 -0700
  • Luke Luchak
    signed 2023-12-17 10:09:03 -0700
    It’s money grab.

    My salary become smaller.
  • Scott Savard
    signed via 2023-12-17 10:08:35 -0700
    Sohi the bus driver should stick to driving buses!
  • Lisa Day
    signed 2023-12-17 10:08:05 -0700
  • Bording Ostergaard
    signed 2023-12-17 10:07:38 -0700
    Irresponsible and out-of-control spending.
  • Cindy Ho-Pasichnyk
    signed via 2023-12-17 10:07:26 -0700
  • Jeremy Yuen
    signed 2023-12-17 10:05:12 -0700
  • John Gallant
    signed 2023-12-17 10:04:11 -0700
    This tax hike is directly connected to our irresponsible liberal mayor who spends like a drunken sailor as he said. To allow 100 million dollars for a bike trail when we have homeless problem within our city and many many more problems and then use excuses why we are 75 million dollars in deficit in the city. I’d say get rid of the bloat of public servants that are not needed and free up some money since they can’t do their job properly since they let this get approved, This liberal government is just not worth the cost.
  • Tammy Charland
    signed 2023-12-17 10:04:03 -0700
  • Ivan Cybulsky
    signed 2023-12-17 10:03:53 -0700
  • Rita Novikova
    signed 2023-12-17 10:03:31 -0700
  • James Barker
    signed 2023-12-17 10:02:38 -0700
  • Jim Cunningham
    signed 2023-12-17 10:02:00 -0700
  • Carol Russ
    signed 2023-12-17 10:01:44 -0700
  • Sean Viegas
    signed 2023-12-17 10:01:17 -0700
  • Lisa Bablitz
    signed 2023-12-17 10:01:14 -0700
  • Darren Hargrave
    signed 2023-12-17 10:00:03 -0700
    What ever happened to austerity? If you can’t afford something then you can’t have it. The city has enough revenue; spending is out-of-control.
  • Sandy Daponte
    signed 2023-12-17 09:59:50 -0700
  • Sharon Maurice
    signed 2023-12-17 09:59:13 -0700
  • Shelly Halley
    signed 2023-12-17 09:57:42 -0700
  • Blake Dickins
    signed 2023-12-17 09:57:35 -0700
    Way too high a tax increase.2-3 percent is more in line
  • Eileen Dick
    signed 2023-12-17 09:54:38 -0700
  • Rob Coulter
    signed 2023-12-17 09:52:40 -0700
  • Renato Clementino
    signed via 2023-12-17 09:52:21 -0700
  • Justin Johnson
    signed 2023-12-17 09:51:42 -0700
  • Sandra Weeks
    signed 2023-12-17 09:51:26 -0700
  • irene washylk
    followed this page 2023-12-17 09:50:03 -0700
  • Tim Hennigar
    signed 2023-12-17 09:48:02 -0700
    This council has an agenda for this city and it involves drastically increased taxes and stupidity.

    Any fool who thinks these increases are fine can cover my increased costs.