Sarah Hamilton
Sarah Hamilton
Candidate for Ward 7 (sipiwiyiniwak)
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Sarah Hamilton has been the City Councillor for Ward 5 over the past four years and has dedicated herself to building a safer, stronger and more prosperous Edmonton.
Since her election, Sarah has undertaken roles on the Edmonton Police Commission, River Valley Alliance, REACH Council for Safe Communities, as well as served a term as Chair of the Community and Public Services Committee, and Vice-Chair of Council Services Committee, and Vice-Chair of the City Manager Recruitment Committee. From 2018-2020, she represented the City of Edmonton on the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association (AUMA) Safe and Healthy Communities Committee. She's also served as Council Advisor on the City Design, Indigenous Relations, and Arts and Culture Initiatives.
Born and raised in Edmonton, Sarah attended the University of Alberta and completed her graduate studies at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. She's worked as an educator, journalist, and started her own business. Over the past four years, she's made west Edmonton streets safer, kept spending in check, and strengthened our local economy.
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